The NAIT Productivity and Innovation Centre

LED Jobsite

NAIT Productivity and innovation centre

NAIT Productivity and innovation centre


The Productivity and Innovation Centre at NAIT was an LED Jobsite, where most of the temporary construction lights were state-of-the-art purpose built LED lights.  Compared to traditional bulb-based lighting, this Clark Builders project:

The Productivity and Innovation Centre focuses on three of NAIT’s core strengths: productivity enhancement; applied research; and an accelerator focused on advanced prototyping and manufacturing.  At approximately 17,650 square metres (190,000 square feet), this purpose built space includes state-of-the-art manufacturing labs, acceleration and incubation space for small and medium-sized businesses and applied research space.

In a continuing effort by Clark Builders to incorporate sustainable practices into all aspects of the building, NAIT adopted the LED Jobsite during the construction phase. The LED Jobsite replaces all traditional bulb-based temporary construction lighting with state-of-the-art purpose built LED lights. From the crane lights to the sidewalk hoarding lighting, the LED Jobsite will save energy, reduce CO2 emissions, and reduce waste.